Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Etching Press Design - enquiries: johnmulvay@gmail.com

 Above is the second press made and sold to Esther in Whangarei. Esther introduced me to dry point on perspex which I had some success with.
The press below shows some design development in comparison to Esther's press. It is not so wide, doesn't gobble up so much precious studio space and also has a removable handle which is standard now.
It went to an American print maker living in Nelson

Table Top Etching Press - enquiries: johnmulvay@gmail.com

 This Table Top has rollers 450mm, or 18 inches wide and was sold to an American print maker who has a studio in Indiana. Here it is just finished and posing for a photo on my kitchen table.

 Julie sent me these pictures of the press in her Indiana studio and also the other antique printing 
machines she has there. Such a nice space, all brand new and squeaky clean. 

Etching Press Restoration - enquiries: johnmulvay@gmail.com

 This press was found in a shed, lonely scruffy and neglected and with it's print roller out of round and dented, missing pressure screw handles and no press bed .
A corner of the studio was converted to a press hospital and it was made all better and sold to a Christchurch print maker who prints large woodcuts. It's rollers are 740 wide and I made a press bed 1600 long for it's new owner and supplied new felt, full size, to match

Here is the restored press at the furniture removal company I use to ship these things around, on the first leg of it's journey to it's new Christchurch home,